A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time
4 Is the magic Number

Monday, November 22, 2010

publication venue

i venue i chose for publication is upstreet. it is a very open publication to poetry, nonfiction, essay and prose. As i navigated the sight, i realized that half of their publications, past to current issues were nonfiction. this resognates well with me considering that my desire piece is nonfiction, specifically creative nonfiction.

I read some of the nonfiction pieces to weight the magnitude or scale of writing being excepted. from what i gathered, they aren't to literate and sophistaceted or for that matter upscale than what i have written. with some fine touches her and there, i can be able to resourcefully present something that will be read and considered.

they are asking for not less than a thousand words. submission is free entry and im with the deadly for the next publication.

they have many postings, past and present that interested parties can read. listed is a contact info which i tried and succesfully went through but couldn't really talk because i was at work.

for all of those reason i decided to go with upstreet publication as my desired publication venue.

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