A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time
4 Is the magic Number

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lott, Lopate & Kidder

My initial meaning of Creative Nonfiction displayed a broad view of the genre. The ideas or concepts were visible but lacking detailed and informative analysis. Now my view of this subject has shaped into a distinct, collected and well-formed scope. On this note I regress to how Lott says one can only obtain the definition of Creative Nonfiction via experience. I believe it is that experience (through reading and writing) that enabled me to understand and accurately define Creative Nonfiction. Ideas that resonated amongst the assigned readings were the understanding and use of character, voice, and the subject at hand.

The character is a very important aspect of Creative Nonfiction. It could establish the reader’s interest and build a potent and comprehensible point of view. According to Lopate, to construct a good character, one must mention and build upon the specifics. One must build character on ethnicity, gender, religion, class, geography, politic and so forth. Lopate and Kidder both align with a good character development bringing conflict and interest to the story.

Another aspect is the voice. The voice sets the tone (which could be comedy and tragedy). The tone ignites that believability the reader requires. It is upon that believability that this genre was built. The reader must be amused in other to continue to read or follow.

Every Creative Nonfiction piece needs a story to tell or idea to present. The writer’s ability to be comfortable with the subject rings important. He or she must first know how to create any realistic subject into Creative Nonfiction. The story doesn’t have to be about a great lost or win, nor does it have to be about happiness or sorrow. It can simply be about anything realistic and of interest to the writer. Examining and studying the subject is a positive way to start. Advice form the experts; distant yourself form the character in order to visualize properly. After doing so, both the character and voice with form into par with the subject at hand.

It is only appropriate to sum up by stating in a nutshell what Creative Nonfiction is. Creative Nonfiction is the writer’s created believability through character and voice.