A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time
4 Is the magic Number

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is Creative NonFiction?

What is Creative Nonfiction?

My overview and assessment of this course leads me to say Creative Nonfiction is a type of writing that bridges nonfiction (which is factual) with different writing styles. Such writing styles include or could be satire or comedy, memoir, narrative and even sports writing. As long as they are factual, the style which one chooses to write could build up to an end product that is Creative Nonfiction.

More so, Creative Nonfiction creates scenes or pictures that I believe equates and embodies what this type of writing entails. They way events or ideas are described or segmented coins Creative Nonfiction. There are many types of nonfiction writings. However, the STYLE is what sets Creative Nonfiction from the rest, and it is this idea that is key. I must affirm that creativity centers on the idea of style or styling.

I am Hamilton Marks, Jr.

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