A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time
4 Is the magic Number

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hamilton Marks, Jr.
Creative Nonfiction
Essay 3
October 29, 2010

Jerry Springer

I’ve long enjoyed the chaotic and demoralized dynamics of Jerry Springer, the television show that airs on channel eleven (11) at 11:00am. The ideas of infidelity, fornication and brute physical bouts magnets my attention. Though a shy character in the public eye, the reverse might portray me similar to entities conveyed on Jerry Springer. A psychologist might say the talk show warrants my inhibition in an outlet which is Jerry Springer, and set room for personal identification, hence my reticent personality suppresses my exhibition. Ten (10) years in the rough, violent city that is Newark has giving me liking to things I normally would shy from. I’ve had many intense arguments, and fists fights; some because of women and some due to gang confrontation or misidentification. Through careful consideration, one might say some aspects of my life exemplify the talk show.

I vividly recalled an episode that centered on women promiscuity, infidelity and outrage. The producers titled it, Jerry Springer’s – Girls Gone Wild. Personally, I thought the title was condescending and unflattering. They are all women, why call them girls? Clearly our behaviors as adults are tantamount to the respect and dignity we receive.
Fran, one of the guests on the show came out telling Jerry she has a secret to reveal to her significant other. Her significant other happened to be her best friend from her college days. Fran disclosed to Jerry that she has been unfaithful to her best friend (Angie) for about a year. In addition, she’d been cheating with Angie’s brother. Angie came on stage with fury, running toward Fran to initiate a brawl. Both Angie and Fran started fighting as the audience cheered on their favorite, who happened to be Angie. Wigs were thrown across the stage, and breasts were exposed as the male audience loudly cheered. To cut long story short, the end of the show presented frustrated, agonized and rebellious women who should instead represent womanhood, motherhood and intelligence. They had all been fighting over men who obviously did not care for them. Pardon me, but I see this as good material for writing, only for the sense of drama. However, why do women give in to men and loose themselves. I was once told “its better to loose a lover then love a looser.”

The shrill and irritating buzzing of my Toshiba alarm clock woke me up at 3:30am in the morning in order to prepare for work. I heard a distinct noise that obstructed my morning ritual of tooth brushing, showering and a glass of cold grapefruit juice. Still experiencing the effect of just waking up, I slowly walked toward the window, yarning and wiping my eyes. I pulled the curtain left, to the side and saw a view unlike no other. Directly across the street in front of the newly constructed house were a group of young women between the ages of 19-27. I estimated about fifteen, all involved in fierce arguments and fists fight.

I ignored the chaos outside my window and ran into the bathroom to prepare for work. Within twenty (20) minutes, I was ready to go to work with almost thirty (30) minutes to spare. Looking back on that day, I assumed it was my interest in the ruckus outside that encouraged me to hasten my preparation for work. With time to spare, I went back to the window and this time cracked it open. I could clearly see and hear what was going on. Amongst the crowd of women I recognized three of the ladies who live across the street in the new house. The few whom I recognized as resident from the new building were partially nude; wearing only panties and bras. As I sat by the window in my bedroom, looking at the scene, I could see, wigs coming out as fists being swung, legs rose in attempt to kick, handbags threw and etc. Honestly these girls around here fight like men! There was one that could throw a fist as good as Mike Tyson. Whomever she attacked seemed to retreat in fear and in a hurry as she was just too fierce and forceful.

While this was going on, the boyfriend of one of the nude girls amongst the three, whom I had befriended sat on the hood of his car as his girlfriend and sister-in-law wrestle and tussle in the middle of the street. He sat there enjoying the spectacle with a smoke in his mouth showing little interest in stopping the fight and vast interest in finding pleasure from it. I must admit, men love to watch women fight, hoping to see a bit of or total nudity. When one of the girls breast was revealed during the fight, I look back at my girlfriend who was sound asleep. Then I checked the time on the Toshiba alarm clock and drank a bit of my grapefruit juice. It was time for me to leave for work as I took my bag pack and Airport ID before heading out of the house.

Outside, in front of the house, before taking my last step off the porch, the police siren alerted the troublesome crowd that quickly disbursed. Still on the scene, I was stopped and questioned by the police about my knowledge and involvement in the incident. I first identified myself before telling them that I was simply on my way to work with my Airport ID at hand.

There are episodes of Jerry Springer that arise on occasions in our lives. Depending on whom we are, the incident can escalate to something harsh or otherwise. Recently, my mother and my girlfriend got into a heated argument whilst I was out running errands with my friend. There has been a building tension between my mother and my girlfriend for the past year. My girlfriend sees my mother as overly nurturing, whilst my mother claims my girlfriend has no respect for me and doesn’t treat me properly. According to my uncle who defused the confrontation, my mother asked after my whereabouts. Apparently, my girlfriend response must have been unpleasant and insolent toward my mother. Mother fire back, after which my girlfriend started yelling and pointing her fingers towards my mother’s face. To cut long story short, names were called as impulses went high over dear Hamilton. Honestly, it rips a man apart to know that his mother and his girlfriend don’t get alone. Who do you side with and what do you say?

We all have experienced our own Jerry Springer. It is that argument you have had with someone that annoyed or wronged you or vice versa. It is your first or tenth fight with a friend or an enemy. It is that moment that you look back on saying, wow I can’t believe I did that. Well you can definitely count me in regard those moments. I’ve lived and seen a few, baring scares and memories as evidence. Ladies and gentlemen: Jerry Springer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venue

Hamilton Marks, Jr.
Creative Nonfiction
English 4017
Dr. Chandler
December 1, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venue

Purpose: to submit a copy of any of my four creative nonfiction pieces with aspiration of acceptance for publishing.

Publication’s Name: Upstreet: http://www.upstreet-mag.org/guideline_layers.html

About (Upstreet): Upstreet is an award winning annual literary anthology containing the best new fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction. It is located in Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. It is an independently owned and published, nationally distributed magazine. It was founded in 2005 by Vivian Dorsel, formerly Managing Editor of The Berkshire Review for eight years. The magazine is an affiliate of Ledgetop Publishing. http://www.upstreet-mag.org/welcome_layers.html

Contact Info: Upstreet
P. O. Box 105
Richmond, MA 01254-0105
Phone: (413) 441-9702
email: editor@upstreet-mag.org
blog: http://upstreetfanclub.blogspot.com/
distributors: Source Interlink, Ingram Periodicals, Ubiquity, Disticor (Canada)

Submitting to Upstreet: submit your poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction (including prose poems) for the seventh issue.
• No longer take submissions by e-mail or surface mail, but only through the upstreet Submission Manager. http://www.upstreet-mag.org/submissions/
• The submission period for upstreet number seven is from September 1, 2010, to March 1, 2011. The Submission Manager will take work only within that time period.
• Do not include author name and info on the manuscript. Author info will including name, address, phone, email, brief bio and more will be put into the submission manager.
• Do not submit previously published works, or more than three poems, two fiction and two nonfiction pieces (including prose poems) per issue.
• Fiction or Nonfiction pieces should be 5,000 words or less. Notification will be made via e-mail, by mid-May 2011.

Analysis: from glancing at some of the issues published on upstreet and looking at their guidelines and requirements for submission, I can say as long as the submitted piece meets the requirements, it has a chance provided on what is written and how it is written.
Description: The pieces range from pop culture to ethnic, maternal, feminine, to powerful and inspirational.
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_1_pdfs/cardenas.pdf
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_4_pdfs/Abbott.pdf
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_5_pdfs/Amoroso.pdf
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_4_pdfs/Martone.pdf (CNF)
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_3_pdfs/Tempone.pdf (CNF)
 http://www.upstreet-mag.org/upstreet_1_pdfs/rapoza.pdf (CNF)

Subject Matter: Creative Nonfiction, Fiction and poetry (including Prose)

Voice/tone: some of the titles of the published pieces stretched out from humorous to moral, informative/narrative, descriptive general pop culture ideas.

Form: didn’t really say. They only commented on the creative nonfiction piece being 5,000 words or less.
Artistry: the only thing to really focus on is the structure, grammar and potent story idea. Some of the issue I skimmed through weren’t that sophisticated or extremely intense in composition. must be 5,000 words or l
• Fiction and nonfiction pieces must 00 words or
• The author’s name and contact information should not appear anywhere on the manuscript.
• The Submission Manager provides a form to enter the author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail, a brief bio, and other information of the submitte

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